MedWetCoast Project for conservation of Wetlands and Coastal Ecosystems in the Mediterranean Region MedWetCoast Project for conservation of Wetlands and Coastal Ecosystems in the Mediterranean Region
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Monday 1 January 2007
Project has ended
Project has ended
The medwetcoast project has ended since december 2006, this website allow you to search documentation.

Monday 5 June 2006
Dans le cadre des activités du projet pour l’amélioration des conditions environnementales de la côte de Oued Laou financé para la direction générale de la coopération des îles Baléares, un événement de grande envergure verra le jour pendant le mois de juin à Oued Laou en coïncidence avec la journée mondiale dédiée à l’environnement. Durant ce mois il sera procédé, en concertation avec le tissu associatif et les autorités locales, à (...)    read more...

Wednesday 10 May 2006
La Fondation Nicolas Hulot visite la Moulouya
Le Maroc a accueilli la Fleur de Lampaul, voilier ambassadeur de la Fondation Nicolas Hulot pour la Nature et l’Homme
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La présence des experts du Conservatoire du Littoral a permis de renforcer l’action de la Cellule Littoral marocaine, créée au sein du MATEE dans le cadre du Projet MedWetCoast avec le soutien de l’Agence Française de Développement. La Cellule œuvre notamment pour l’adoption d’une stratégie nationale et d’une loi pour la (...)    read more...

Thursday 4 May 2006
Clean up of urban waste and establishment of infrastructure at the National Park of Llogara
The NP of Llogara is located at both sides of the national road Vlore - Sarande and due to its geographical position, climate and other natural, historical and cultural values, it consist a very important recreational place for many visitors and travelers.
Hundreds of people stopover to the restaurants and many other spent leisure time in this very particular place. Within territory of this park there are 13 restaurants and bar facilities that provide their services such as accommodations, (...)    read more...

Thursday 16 March 2006
Après "Le Matin", "Maroc Hebdo" apporte son soutien à MWC Maroc
Abdellah Rajy, journaliste à "Maroc Hebdo International", informe le public sur les "trésors naturels d’importance mondiale" que sont les zones humides.
Grippe aviaire oblige, tous les oiseaux de la terre sont pointés du doigt et leurs sanctuaires perçus comme des menaces potentielles. Mais comme l’écrit si pertinemment M. Rajy : "De même que la grippe aviaire mobilise une coopération internationale, les zones humides, écosystèmes fragiles et essentiels à l’équilibre écologique de la (...)    read more...

Wednesday 25 January 2006
Diverting sewage water discharge from Narta Lagoon to the Vlora City Pumping Station
This project was part of the MWC priority management action to be taken on site as per management plan finding and work program introduced in this plan. It aimed at an urgent rehabilitation of the water quality on Narta lagoon which is threatening the wild life of the Narta ecosystem, habitats hosted in this site and also the human settlements living in this area.   read more...

Friday 20 January 2006
Activities and main accomplishments in Albania last months
MWC office has followed with improvement of the biodiversity conservation and nature protection regulatory frame by developing management guidelines for the project sites. They are finalized and under approval by the authorities. Also, the DCM on establishing the Management Committees for the PAs allows for the setting up of the management authorities in both project sites. MWC is coordinating with MoE for making this committee operational. An other significant contribution is the (...)   read more...

Friday 20 January 2006
Launching the Vlora Regional Development Strategy for achieving the MDGs
On 2nd October 2005
Vlora County Council organized the ceremony of launching Vlora MDGRR -Regional Development Strategy for achieving the MDGs” at 11:00 hrs in Llogara "Fshati Turistik" (Tourist Village).    read more...

Wednesday 28 December 2005
Un spécial MWC Maroc paru dans "Le Matin"
Le quotidien national défend la cause des zones côtières
Ce lundi 26 décembre 2005, "Le Matin" ( publie un dossier spécial qu’il titre "Les zones côtières oubliées pas le législateur". Ce spécial zones humides fait suite à un premier dossier spécial littoral, paru le 19 décembre.
L’auteur, Rachid Tarik, éclaire les lecteurs sur le travail entrepris par la Cellule du Littoral, créée dans le cadre du Projet MWC Maroc, pour initier des solutions durables dans une gestion du (...)    read more...

Friday 16 December 2005
MWC Maroc - La Cellule Littoral publie son second bulletin
Le dynamisme de la Cellule Littorale pour la sensibilisation des décideurs
La Cellule Littoral, un des résultats attendus du projet MWC Maroc, a été créée au sein du Département de l’Environnement en 2003. Depuis, elle s’est étoffée et associe à ses travaux la quasi-totalité des autres départements ministériels concernés par la problématique "littoral". On peut citer à son actif l’organisation d’une "journée sur le littoral" en mars 2005 au centre international de Skhirat qui a rassemblé (...)    read more...

Tuesday 13 December 2005
Socio-Economics and Conservation of Mediterranean Coasts and Weatlands
Lessons from the MedwetCoast Project
This booklet is designed to address primarily the experience and lessons learned from MWC implementation from a social and economic perspective. The aim is to document how the socio-economic considerations have been taken into account in the approach of the MWC project, in the Management Planning process at the site level and in the implementation of concrete/urgent measures..
The full report is available in PDF attached to this article.
Webteam for (...)   

Tuesday 13 December 2005
FINAL Report of the fifth Regional Advisory Committee meeting
FINAL Report of the fifth Regional Advisory Committee meeting
Cairo, Egypt, 26 - 28 September 2005
1. Introduction and address 1.1. Opening addresses
Dr. Fouda, project director, Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA), welcomed the participants on behalf of the Egyptian Government. He started by referring to Egyptian wetlands and the efforts of the government to conserve these. In Egypt, some of the wetlands are natural, some are man made (eg. Lake Nasser). He informed that (...)    read more...

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Flash News
[ Thursday 7 September ]
A N N O U N C E M E N T !
We are glad to announce the new Postgraduate Degree Programme Integrated Coastal Management in the Mediterranean - Educom @ med. The course is organised by Ca’Foscari University of Venice (Italy), Cairo University (Egypt), University Pablo de Olavide (Spain), University of Split (Croatia) and (...)

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Medwetcoast Presentation

Around the Medsea
[ Tuesday 31 January ]
Online courses wetland and river basin management March 2006

March 1st 2006 is the next starting date of two online courses that UNESCO-IHE and the Partnership of Water Education and Research (PoWER) are jointly offering.
Online course on Wetland Management
Online course on Integrated River Basin Management
Both courses are based upon training material used in various formats, settings and regions and were offered in online form successfully in 2005. They are targeted at professionals who do not have the time to take a course that lasts several (...)

[ Wednesday 25 January ]
The 3rd International Conference on the "Water Resources in the Mediterranean Basin"

The Lebanese University organizes
With the collaboration of
The Lebanese Committee for Environment & Sustainable Development
From 1 to 3 November 2006 in Tripoli (Lebanon),
The 3rd International Conference on the
"Water Resources in the Mediterranean Basin"
For More information:
L’Université Libanaise organise
Avec la collaboration du
Comité Libanais pour l’Environnement et le Développement Durable
Du 1 au 3 Novembre 2006 à Tripoli (Liban),
La 3eme Conférence (...)

[ Tuesday 8 November ]
Next MedCoast Institute
Next MedCoast Institute (2-week training on coastal zone management issues) will take place on 29 August -13 September 2006 in Turkey. You are invited to visit their website for further information: UNEP MAP Plan Bleu has just released a most interesting and long awaited report : "Méditerranée : les perspectives du Plan Bleu sur l’environnement et le développement / A sustainable future for the Mediterranean: the Blue Plan’s environment and development (...)

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